Lincoln County Zip Codes

Zip Code: 63343 has a population of 4,546 people (2,206 males and 2,340 females). The median age for people living in 39.9. There are 1,730 households in 63343 with an average house value of $140,800 and an income per household of $48,438. There are approximately 66 businesses in this zip code. 63343 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63347 has a population of 3,078 people (1,567 males and 1,511 females). The median age for people living in 38.2. There are 1,121 households in 63347 with an average house value of $89,400 and an income per household of $46,165. There are approximately 18 businesses in this zip code. 63347 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63349 has a population of 1,934 people (983 males and 951 females). The median age for people living in 37.3. There are 716 households in 63349 with an average house value of $182,400 and an income per household of $52,113. There are approximately 29 businesses in this zip code. 63349 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63362 has a population of 6,350 people (3,142 males and 3,208 females). The median age for people living in 32.8. There are 2,196 households in 63362 with an average house value of $139,100 and an income per household of $51,250. There are approximately 103 businesses in this zip code. 63362 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63369 has a population of 2,258 people (1,143 males and 1,115 females). The median age for people living in 36.7. There are 815 households in 63369 with an average house value of $120,800 and an income per household of $62,386. There are approximately 47 businesses in this zip code. 63369 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63370 has a population of 33 people (18 males and 15 females). The median age for people living in 44.3. There are 16 households in 63370 with an average house value of $0 and an income per household of $0. There are approximately 0 businesses in this zip code. 63370 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63377 has a population of 2,462 people (1,277 males and 1,185 females). The median age for people living in 42.4. There are 888 households in 63377 with an average house value of $134,100 and an income per household of $56,759. There are approximately 44 businesses in this zip code. 63377 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63379 has a population of 23,348 people (11,478 males and 11,870 females). The median age for people living in 34.3. There are 8,319 households in 63379 with an average house value of $155,600 and an income per household of $59,784. There are approximately 485 businesses in this zip code. 63379 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63387 has a population of 73 people (41 males and 32 females). The median age for people living in 41.5. There are 28 households in 63387 with an average house value of $0 and an income per household of $30,938. There are approximately 5 businesses in this zip code. 63387 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63389 has a population of 6,336 people (3,227 males and 3,109 females). The median age for people living in 34.6. There are 2,297 households in 63389 with an average house value of $139,400 and an income per household of $55,064. There are approximately 79 businesses in this zip code. 63389 is located in Lincoln county Missouri.