Warren County Zip Codes

Zip Code: 63357 has a population of 5,534 people (2,844 males and 2,690 females). The median age for people living in 41.6. There are 2,097 households in 63357 with an average house value of $174,100 and an income per household of $52,820. There are approximately 93 businesses in this zip code. 63357 is located in Warren county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63381 has a population of 532 people (277 males and 255 females). The median age for people living in 39.7. There are 199 households in 63381 with an average house value of $118,800 and an income per household of $46,058. There are approximately 4 businesses in this zip code. 63381 is located in Warren county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63383 has a population of 15,770 people (7,776 males and 7,994 females). The median age for people living in 39.0. There are 5,972 households in 63383 with an average house value of $139,500 and an income per household of $48,442. There are approximately 324 businesses in this zip code. 63383 is located in Warren county Missouri.
Zip Code: 63390 has a population of 9,760 people (4,861 males and 4,899 females). The median age for people living in 38.0. There are 3,721 households in 63390 with an average house value of $171,400 and an income per household of $56,729. There are approximately 148 businesses in this zip code. 63390 is located in Warren county Missouri.